Voltage measurment range 10μV to 300V,unbalanced
10μV to35V balanced
Frequency range 10Hzto 100kHz
22.4Hz and 300Hz highpass filters
Other filters contained in option UPA-B2
Test inputs floating
Balanced two 3-contact female connectors switch able R/L channel,600Ω/20kΩ
Unbalance rejection >110dBat 50Hz
Unbalanced two BNC female connectors switch able R/L channel,1MΩ
Crosstalk attenution R/L >80dB at 20kHz
Detector RMS-responding rectifier quasi-peak responding rectifier
Level indication 5digits in mV,V dBm mW or W relative indication in % or dB
Accuracy RMS(sine wave) ±1%±1digit(30Hz to 20kHz)
Inherent noise
CCIR,weighted(QPK) <10μV(unbalanced,600Ω)
<20μV(balanced,600 Ω)
失真测量 (with Generator Option UPA-B6)
Signal frequencyrange 30Hz to 100kHz
Display range 0 to 120dB
Accuracy(S/N ≤60dB) ±1dB
Inherent S/N ration ±85dB or <20μV
DC voltage measurment 0 to ±300V
Test inputs see AF level meter but unbalanced only
Accuracy ±1%±1digit
Frequency counter
Frequency measuremnt range 8Hz to 250kHz
Required input vltage >10mV (S/N ratio>20dB)
Accuracy ±0.005%±1digit
Phase measurement
Display range 0 to 180°
Resolution 0.1°
发生器 option UPA-B6 (UPA3 标配)
Frequency range 10Hz to 100(110) kHz
Accuracy ±0.01%
Outputs like test inputs of AF level meter
Unbalance rejection >80dB at 1kHz (bal,Vout >1)
Crosstalk attenuation L/R >80 dB at 20kHz
Output impedance 30Ω/200Ω/600Ω select able
Output voltage no load 0.1mV to 12.4V
Load impedancemax.load >200Ω/54mA
Output circuit short-circuit-proof switched off incase of external feeding
Inherent distortion(Vout>300mV) <-80 dB(30Hz to 20kHz)
Frequency response(fer.to 1kHz) ±0.5% (10Hz to 20kHz)