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MAGUIRE 美奎中国有限公司 http://www.maguire.com
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Automatic Speed Control

Using digital input, the microprocessor detects and automatically compensates for changing cycle times, varying torque requirements, and/or fluctuations in plant voltage. This eliminates the need for monitoring and adjustment. As an option, the controller may be remotely positioned up to 20 ft. from the processing machine.

Selection of Feed Rates

Auger sizes of 1/2" and 1" are available with a selection of variable-speed motors ranging to a maximum of 130 RPM. Your part weight or maximum extrusion rate will determine the proper combination for your application.

Stable, Low Profile Adaptor Frame

The 10" square adaptor frame with corner support angle iron provides a stable platform for your existing natural material hopper, while only raising it 3-1/2 inches. A wide range of bolt patterns can be accommodated. An 8"x8" pattern is standard to match other items manufactured by Maguire Products.

Removable Stainless Steel Hopper

The concentrate hopper rests securely in a support channel without utilizing bolts or fasteners. To change colors, the entire assembly (including hopper, auger tube, and auger) is easily removed by the operator and carried back to the color container. No pellets are left to contaminate your next color, and not one pellet is spilled. all stainless steel construction assures ease of cleanup. The 0.5 cu. ft. hopper holds up to 30 pounds of concentrate and four sight glasses provide a clear view of the color level. The lid is fitted to allow the addition of our Model ML color loader.

Material Flow Baffle Chamber

Shown is the Maguire "material flow baffle chamber" on Series MCF feeders. The stainless steel sides are formed to produce a baffled flow of resin such that the color pellets are dropped into and evenly distributed throughout the flow of natural material. Acrylic panels provide a clear view of the resin and color flow.

Pellet Shutoff

A simple but very effective slide bar prevents pellets from spilling from the auger tube when the hopper is removed for color changes. This bar slides forward when the drive unit is engaged, allowing pellets to dispense properly. During hopper removal, the bar slides back to cover the open end of the auger tube.


Maguire NovaWheel系列树脂乾燥机
MAGUIRE 美奎中国有限公司
地址: 上海·浦东新区浦东大道138号永华大厦7楼C-02室
电话: 请点击此处与厂家联系
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