The ASKER Durometer TypeC, produced since 1956, is our original brand durometer, and is ade facto standard in the world for the measurement of soft rubber,sponges, etc.
Widely used for measuring soft rubber, sponges, and other foamelastomers, as well as rolled-threads, -films and textile windings(yarn packages).
Height: 2.54mm Shape:Spherical
Pressure foot
The Pressure foot in contact with thespecimen is 44mm in width and 18mm in depth, wide enough to ensureaccurate measurement. The Longer Pressure Foot Type (C1L type)isapplicable for measurement of narrow or concave specimens.
Hardness TesterSelection Chart
Our product line consists of varioustypes of durometers applicable to specific materials
as indicated in the chart above.
Type A Durometer (ASKER A type), conforming to JIS K 6235 is themost popular type of durometer for measuring rubber hardness.
However, verification is recommended because a significantdifference is estimated to be the largest when a durometerindicates measurement values from 10 to 90 points.
For hard specimens for which Type A Durometer readings indicatemore than 90 points, measurements should be undertaken using theType D Durometer (ASKER D type). However, for soft specimens withmeasurements of less than 20 points, the ASKER C type or Type EDurometer (ASKER E type) should be used. The most importantconsideration in using durometers is to select the correct type forpurposes of measurement according to the specimen.
Standards JIS K 7312
JIS S 6050
Indicationrange 0 point - 100 point (262 degree dialscale)