桥式切石机红外线桥式切割机红外线桥切机专用红外线对刀仪,红外线定位灯红外线划线器 红外线射灯激光定位器/镭射激光定位器是采用半导体激光器及线型光学透镜系统制作成的、应用于工业标线定位的激光器产品。广泛应用于机械板金标线,电锯锯物标线、定位 ,切割机型材切割标线、定位,网版印刷定位,十字线模板定位,纺织印染成衣定位,轮胎定位等领域;
Laser Line Module (Laser Line Maker)
Laser Line Module is made up of LD, line lens, and LD drive. Laser Line Module has great application in industry fields such as tyre bonding, lumber, stone cutting,sewing machine, golf assembly, sewing and dyeing location, mechanical line cutting, screen printing, and so on.