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霍尼韦尔涡轮增压系统(上海)有限公司 http://www.honeywell.com
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Honeywell's Garrett® REA
Honeywell’s Garrett® REA(Rotary Electric Actuator) technology is a major leap from previous non-electric, pneumatic, control devices. An REA, through controlling the vane position, provides better control of the boost pressure and turbo speed. It communicates with EMU (Engine Management Unit) in either PWM or CAN form (option), receiving and carrying out instructions instantaneously. An REA results in better-performing, cleaner-burning engines. Longevity is another advantage that REA holds over traditional devices—thanks to its durable, non-contacting positioning sensors. Already, REA has proven itself in high-volume productions.

The Garrett® REA – fitted on twin-Garrett GT17 turbochargers – made its debut on BMW’s V8 diesel engine in 1998. Viewed as a major breakthrough in turbocharging technology, the Garrett® REA successfully integrated the turbocharger into the vehicle electronic system.

In recent years, Honeywell has made several progresses in its REA technology. This includes the development of an advanced CAN interface, which represents a significant software enhancement over PWM-based applications. With the CAN interfance, Garrett® REA responds on actual vane position, allowing for more advanced diagnostics and control techniques.

The electronic control of diesel fuel injection in recent years precipitated the need for the electronic control of air. Working in conjunction with Garrett® VNT™ turbochargers, the Garrett® REA provides this control in both steady state and transient mode by knowing and controlling the vane position. The Garrett® REA also provides faster response compared to a conventional pneumatic vacuum system. Additionally, with fewer vehicles in the future requiring vacuum systems, the Garrett® REA liberates the turbo from its dependence on such systems.

Honeywell’s future REA development will focus on high torque actuator development and integration of REA into wastegate gasoline turbochargers.


VNT™ (Variable Nozzle Turbine)
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