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D-M-E (China) Ltd 迪恩易(深圳)办事处 http://www.dme.net/
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Stellar 5000系列热流道
The Standard 5000 series features a solid titanium point gate retainer for improved heat isolation, and a shielded mini-coil heater that quickens heat transfer for commodity grade materials. For harder-to-process applications and materials, the High-Performance 5000 Series includes an embedded brass heater for optimized heat transfer with engineering grade materials, and a thruhole tip sub-assembly that offers superior wear resistance.

“At DME, our time is invested in developing superior, quality products for our customers’ evolving molding needs,” says Bob Ameel, Global Business Manager for Hot Runner Systems. “And to ensure customer satisfaction, we are continually finding new ways to enhance existing product lines to give our customers that extra advantage over complex molding projects.”

All Stellar 5000 Round and Rectangular Multi-Threaded Nozzle Assemblies feature high performance gate detail geometry for application flexibility. Compression Nozzles are also available for customized pitch designs.

DME’s line of Stellar Micromolding Hot Runner Systems feature highly conductive tip designs and precise heat profiling for hard-to-process materials like PET, PBT and PA. This and other high-performance features of the Stellar 5000 contribute to superior performance, exacting precision and flexibility for modular construction ranging from very small part molding to high cavitation molding.


Plate Control
D-M-E 热流道系统
D-M-E (China) Ltd 迪恩易(深圳)办事处
地址: 广东·Huahan Building , No.16 Langshan Rd., 北高科工业区
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