The Bureau of Indian Standards简称BIS。1947年印度在新德里组建了印度标准学会(ISI),并按专业领域分设专业标准委员会,承担印度标准的制定任务。1952年印度开始实施“ISI标志”认证制度。1966年印度成立了标准工程师学会(SEI)。1986年印度设立印度标准局(BIS)。1987年4月1日印度标准局正式取代印度标准学会(ISI)成为印度法定的全国性标准及认证管理机构。
IS 1293-2005电线插头
IS 694电源线
IS 1293橡胶线
1.Self Ballasted LED Lamp – IS 16102 (Pt - 1)
2.General Purpose LED Luminaire - IS 10322 (Pt -5 / Sec 1)
3.DC or AC supplied Electronic Control Gear (Drive) – IS 15885 (Pt-2 / Sec 13)
IS 15633:2005乘用车轮胎
IS 15636:2005商用车轮胎
IS 15627:2005两三轮摩托车轮胎
IS 13098:2005内胎
IS 16046: 2012可充电电池
IS 302(Pt2/Sec 3) 家用和类似用途电器安全--电熨斗
IS 302(Pt2/Sec30) 家用和类似用途电器安全--室内取暖器
IS 302(Pt2/Sec-201)家用和类似用途电器安全--电动浸泡热水器
IS 302(Pt2/Sec-202) 家用和类似用途电器安全--电炉
IS 418 通用电器钨丝灯具(最大100W)
IS 694 PVC绝缘电缆(最大工作电压1100 V)
IS 3854 (家用和类似用途开关)
IS 8828 电器配件--家用和类似装置用电流保护断路器
IS 9968(Pt.1)(弹性体绝缘电缆(最大工作电压1100 V)
IS 12640 (Pt.1)(家用和类似用途的不带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCCBs))
IS 12640 (Pt.2) (家用和类似用途的带过电流保护的剩余电流动作断路器(RCVOs))
IS 13010 AC Watt-hour meters, class 0.5, 1 & 2(AC电表)
IS 13779 ac static watt-hour meters, class 1 & 2 (AC静态电度表)
IS 14697 (AC静态变压器)
IS 15111 (Pt1 & Pt. 2)(一般照明服务用自镇流灯泡 第一部分 安全要求 和第二部分性能要求)
IS 14246Continuously pre-painted galvanized steel and coils连续彩色涂层镀锌钢板钢卷
IS 15965Pre-painted aluminum zinc alloy metallic coated steel strip and sheet (plain)彩色涂层铝锌合金钢带和钢板(纯)
IS 7904High Carbon Steel Wire Rods-Specification高碳钢线材-规格
IS 432:Part 1Mild Steel and Medium Tensile Steel Barsand Hard-Drawn Steel Wire Concrete Reinforcement: Part 1 Mild steel and mediumtensile steel bars混凝土加固用冷拔低碳钢丝和中等强度钢棒材:第一部分低碳钢,中拉钢筋
IS 432:Part 2Reinforcement: Part 2 Hard-Drawn Steel Wire 第二部分:冷拔钢丝
IS 513Cold reduced lowcarbon steel sheets and strips冷轧低碳钢板和钢带
IS 1079Hot Rolled CarbonSteel Sheet and Strip热轧低碳钢板和钢带
IS 1875Carbon steel billets, blooms, slabs andbars for forgings碳素钢钢坯,方坯,板坯和圆棒锻件
IS 1993Cold ReducedElectrolytic Tin Plate冷轧电镀锡板
IS 2879Mild steel for metalarc welding electrodes低碳钢的金属电弧堆焊焊条
IS 3502Steel ChequeredPlates网纹钢板
IS 5872Cold Rolled SteelStrips (Box Strappings) 冷轧钢带(包装带)
IS 5986Hot Rolled Steel FlatProducts for Structural Forming and Flanging Purposes结构形成和翻边用途热轧扁钢产品
IS 6240Hot Rolled Steel Plate (up to 6 mm) Sheet and Strip for the Manufacture ofLow Pressure Liquefiable Gas Cylinders低压液化气体钢瓶制造用热轧厚钢板(厚至6mm),薄钢板和钢条
IS 7283Hot Rolled bars forproduction of bright bars and machined parts for engineering applications. 光亮棒生产用热轧钢筋和工程用加工件
IS 7887Mild steel wire rods for generalengineering purposes一般工程用途低碳钢线材
IS 10748Hot Rolled SteelStrip for Welded Tubes and Pipes焊缝接管用热轧钢带
IS 11513Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Strip for ColdRolling Purposes冷轧用途热轧碳素钢带
IS 15647Hot Rolled steel narrow width strip forwelded tubes and pipes.焊缝接管用热轧窄, 宽钢带