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ESI国际工程科学中国有限公司 http://www.esi-group.com.cn
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连续铸造过程模拟分析系统 CALCOSOFT
CALCOSOFT for Continuous Casting Process Simulation

CALCOSOFT is dedicated to the simulation of continuous casting processes including:

Horizontal and vertical continuous and semi-continuous casting
Direct chill casting
Strip casting
Twin-roll casting
Hazlett process

CALCOSOFT for Advanced Solidification Analysis
CALCOSOFT also includes specific and advanced modules which can be tailored to fit particular needs in the field of solidification simulation:

grain structure,
primary and secondary phase,
solid state transformation,
hot tearing.

CALCOSOFT is the result of intensive and long term collaborations with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) and leading industrial partners including: ABB/Alstom/Siemens, AETC, Assan, Alusuisse/Alcan, Böhler, Corus, Doncasters, Elkem, GM, Howmet, Hydro Al, PCC, Pechiney, Rolls Royce, Snecma, Umicore and VAW/Hydro.

features & specification

Integrated in an easy to use and flexible user environment, two independent packages are available:

CALCOSOFT-2D for two dimensional and axi-symmetric calculations,
CALCOSOFT-3D for full three dimensional computations,
providing a highly efficient and accurate solution for leading industries, institutions and universities dealing with casting and solidification processes.

In addition, CALCOSOFT provides an extensive suite of specific and advanced modules for solidification analysis.

Easy to use and integrated graphical user interface
Material database
Inverse modelling
Flow solver
Thermal solver
Radiation module
Macrosegregation module
Electromagnetic module
Primary and secondary phase transformation module
Solid state transformation module
Porosity module
Hot tearing module
Grain structure module

Easy to use and integrated graphical user interface

The virtual casting environment includes meshing, pre and post-processing capabilities for both CALCOSOFT-2D and 3D. Finite Element mesh generation is readily available. Alternatively, interfaces to standard mesh file formats are provided. Boundary conditions can be defined in a easy and flexible way to accurately model the different casting processes. Boundary conditions can be time, temperature and space dependant. CALCOSOFT also offers a unique feature: the user function which allows more advanced end users to program their specific process requirements. Post-processing capabilities are particularly powerful and include specific features for 2D and 3D analysis. Typical calculation results are:

Temperature, fraction of solid,
Fluid velocity and streamlines,
Chemical composition, segregation,
Gas and microporosity,
Grain structure and dendrite morphology.
These advanced capabilities contribute to make CALCOSOFT an easy to use, efficient and reliable solution for the simulation of continuous casting processes and advanced solidification analysis.


宽带噪音和振动实时预测、分析以及设计 AutoSEA2
通用有限元分析软件 SYSTUS
多层材料的声学特性模拟软件 NOVA
低频领域的电磁模拟软件 SYSMAGNA
地址: 广东·科学城彩频路11号
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李军: 想了解一下CALCOSOFT ...(6/19/2017)
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