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艾默生 CT(Control Techniques) http://www.emerson-ct.cn/
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Epsilon EP - Compact 1.5 Axis Servo Drive
Epsilon EP, Control Techniques’ compact and easy-to-use servo drive, is scalable from a simple amplifier to a completely programmable 1.5-axis motion controller. The Epsilon EP is available in three flexible models – Epsilon EP-B (base), Epsilon EP-I (indexer), and Epsilon EP-P (programming). Each model is available with five drive different power stages—2.2A, 4.0A, 6.5A, 9.0A and 16.0A—providing the capability to deliver over 198 lb-in (22.4 Nm) of torque at the rated motor speed and 396 lb-in (44.8 Nm) of peak torque for those high demanding pulse duty application. Connectivity is the key. The Epsilon EP offers four of the most popular network connections for industrial controls. RS485 with the standard Modbus RTU interface is on all models allowing interfacing to PC Tools, simple HMI’s, and Drive to drive configurations. Optional ProfiBus DP and DeviceNet communication configurations for system integration to common PLC platforms, and EtherNet, standard on every Epsilon EP-P, opening up a whole new world of interfacing possibilities are also available—see the communications section under the options tab for more information.


Unidrive M600交流驱动器
Unimotor fm Fan Blown - High output servo motor
Unimotor hd - Pulse duty servo motor
Unimotor fm - Continuous duty servo motor
FXMP25 - 适用于Mentor II 和 Mentor MP的外部励磁控制器
艾默生 CT(Control Techniques)
地址: 北京·北京朝阳区雅宝路10号凯威大厦15层
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