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艾默生 CT(Control Techniques) http://www.emerson-ct.cn/
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Unimotor fm - Continuous duty servo motor
Unimotor fm - Continuous duty servo motor

0.72Nm to 136Nm (408 Nm peak)

055 to 250 Frames

Unimotor fm is a high performance brushless AC servo motor range matched for use with Control Techniques drives. ‘fm’ stands for flexible motor, designed to accommodate a wide range of applications. The motors are available in seven frame sizes with various mounting arrangements and motor lengths.

Unimotor fm provides high-precision over an extended duration requiring lower acceleration and deceleration rates. The motor is optimized for high stability in precision profiling applications including:

Perfectly matched to Digitax ST servo drives.

Wide torque range

Unimotor fm offers the widest torque range, from 0.72Nm - 136Nm

Maximum flexibility

Flexibility of the Unimotor range ensures the best fit for your application, options include:

Various feedback devices to be used. As standard an incremental encoder is fitted as this offers an optimum balance of cost and performance. SinCos, EnDAT and Hiperface can be selected for increased resolution and Resolver feedback is available for increased reliability in extreme environments
High inertia versions are available to allow the motor inertia to be more closely matched to the load inertia for increased performance and stability
Motor brakes may be integrated within the motor. A choice of parking brake or high energy dissipation brake is available
Type of connectors fitted
Various voltage and speed ranges are available


Unidrive M600交流驱动器
Unimotor fm Fan Blown - High output servo motor
Unimotor hd - Pulse duty servo motor
Epsilon EP - Compact 1.5 Axis Servo Drive
FXMP25 - 适用于Mentor II 和 Mentor MP的外部励磁控制器
艾默生 CT(Control Techniques)
地址: 北京·北京朝阳区雅宝路10号凯威大厦15层
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