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ESI国际工程科学中国有限公司 http://www.esi-group.com.cn
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复合材料结构设计与分析系统 SYSPLY

SYSPLY is an industry specific software for designing, analyzing and optimizing composite material structures. Composites materials offer tremendous mechanical performance for reduced weight structures. However, the high cost and complexity of designing and manufacturing composites usually offset the benefit of using these materials. With SYSPLY, engineers can easily compute the laminate properties of composites before manufacturing them through various processes such as filament winding, draping,.... Engineers get more insight into the knowledge of structural behavior both in static and dynamic analysis. Perfectly suited for time critical applications, SYSPLY helps accelerate the design process and decrease overall costs by reducing the material waste and the number of prototypes required.

The assessment of composite structures behavior must take into account the wide diversity of materials involved (reinforced plastics, glass-polyester, carbon-epoxy, cellular or honeycomb core sandwiches, carbon-carbon composites, etc), and their original mechanical characteristics (heterogeneity and anisotropy). SYSPLY's comprehensive material database facilitates laminate definition through a variety of 3D structure applications. SYSPLY interatively computes the global equivalent mechanical properties of any stack of plies and can validate a composite part design with respect to stress/ply-failure and dynamic behavior.


宽带噪音和振动实时预测、分析以及设计 AutoSEA2
通用有限元分析软件 SYSTUS
多层材料的声学特性模拟软件 NOVA
低频领域的电磁模拟软件 SYSMAGNA
连续铸造过程模拟分析系统 CALCOSOFT
地址: 广东·科学城彩频路11号
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