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斗山船机(大连)有限公司 http://www.doosan.com/
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A power plant can be operated by the same type of two-stroke diesel engines that drive massive oceangoing vessels. The facility can have an output capacity ranging from 25 to 200MW and is usually used on islands and other remote areas.

Doosan Engine installed, on a turnkey basis, a 40MW power plant with a low-speed diesel engine to serve the south side of Jeju Island (Korea) in 1990. An 80MW plant was completed on Guam in 1993, followed by projects in Papua New Guinea, India, and Eritrea. The technology, reliability, and experience garnered from this track record have provided us with a leading position in the world diesel power generation market.

Proejct Scope
According to customer’s requirements, Doosan Engine provides integrated services from basic design and construction to operation and maintenance of power plants.

Basic/detail plant design
Machinery, electric equipments and instrumentation supply
Civil and architecture works
Machinery/electric facilities installation
Plant commissioning
Operator education/training
Plant operation and maintenance

Operation is economical because of the high efficiency and use of low-grade heavy fuel oil. Indeed, this power plant costs significantly less to operate, maintain and repair than others with a similar generation capacity.
The low shutdown rate means a highly stable power supply. The capacity factor is high because availability and load factor are both high.
The plant lasts a long time, while maintenance and repair are easy.
Multiple units (normally 2-8) can be installed, depending on the desired output capacity.
This way, optimal efficiency can be maintained when the load fluctuates, and operation can be adjusted flexibility to accommodate the load. Efficiency is also high for partial loads.
Investment costs are less, as capacity ranges from low to intermediate. New investment can be phased in (through capacity expansion projects).
Output will not fluctuate according to operational conditions.
We began building MC model low-speed engines in 1982. They have been proven excellent for performance and quality and represent 80% of the marine market as well as 90% of the diesel power generation market.


地址: 辽宁·辽宁省大连开发区大孤山南港工业区
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