The rapid deterioration of the environment is a global issue. Communities in every country are exerting pressure on public officials, industries, land developers and businesses to clean up the air, land and water and conserve our natural resources.
Committed to maintaining a healthy world environment, Doosan Hydro Technology is providing solutions to domestic and international water problems. Through our advanced technical knowledge and years of engineering experience, Doosan Hydro Technology is able to offer proven state-of-the-art wastewater treatment reuse and recycling technologies.
Most wastewater from a variety of sources can be economically purified for reuse and recycle by a number of membrane technologies and modern treatment processes. Faced with the scarcity of natural sources of quality water for potable and industrial use, the alternative will be to reuse and recycle treated wastewater. In many cases, the cost of treating wastewater for reuse or recycle is less than other methods of production with the added advantage of preserving the environment.
We combine our proven state-of-the-art water treatment processes such as ion-exchange, membrane separation and chemical processes with conventional wastewater treatment processes such as physical separations, chemical reactions, biological processes, tertiary treatment and advanced wastewater treatment.